School map
Please see below for a map of Maroochydore State High School.
Public transport
You can find out about buses to and from school using by visiting the CDC website or calling 5476 6622. To organise a bus pass, contact CDC.
All students catching buses from the school interchange leave straight after school and are required to use the footpath to the interchange. A teacher supervises students leaving the grounds to catch these buses. Students waiting for the buses that leave later are required to remain on the school grounds and sit at the tables and chairs in the shade area of the tuckshop. No student is to re-enter the grounds after leaving without the Principal's permission.
School drop off and pick up
Out the front Maroochydore State High School there are wide lines where parents/carers can safely drop off or pick up their students. For safety reasons, please avoid driving into the school front gate to transport your student particularly at the start or end of the school day, due to the significant amount of student pedestrian traffic at these times.
No Year 11 or 12 student should enter the grounds prior to 7am and no Year 7, 8, 9 or 10 student prior to 8:00am. Bus students may need to arrive earlier. Supervision of the grounds is provided at morning recess and during the lunch break only.
Near the Administration building, visitor car parks have been allocated for short-term parking; please do not park in other allocated parking spaces. Parking near Jubilee Hall is reserved for teachers and long-day visitors.
Student parking
Some student car parks have been allocated however if none are available, students must park outside the school gates and observe local traffic rules. Note also that students must obtain a parking permit from their Dean of Students to park on school grounds.