Enrolments for Year 7
Including DRIVE program (Next Gen, Arts Academy and Sports Development) and Foundation and Focus Classes.
For 2026 specialist programs
Students enrolling in Year 7 for 2026 will
have the opportunity to apply to be a part of our DRIVE PROGRAM.
Please contact the school for further details
should you have questions.
- First
round enrolments and DRIVE Program applications open on 31st March 2025.
- Application closing date for all programs is Friday 8th August 2025
- Program of Excellence Audition Days:
- Sport Development Audtions will occur on the 21st August 2025
- Sport Development interviews will occur on 2nd September 2025
- Arts Academy Auditons will occur on 2nd September 2025
Maroochydore State High School has been delivering Excellence in Education for All on the Sunshine Coast for fifty years. As an established Secondary School, we have a wide range of program offerings for the students of the Maroochydore area.
Our School hosts the junior secondary (Year 7 to 9) and senior secondary phase (Year 10 to 12) of learning, with experienced staff and state of the art facilities supporting a curriculum that leads to a successful transition for all students to further education, training or employment upon graduating in Year 12. It is our expectation that all students meet the challenge of our achievement agenda; that is all students exit well prepared for the next stage of learning with the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) and then either an OP or a Vocational Certificate of worth, where worth is determined by each students individual pathway to success.
School tours

Tours of the school are offered on the last Thursday of every month. Tours will commence at 9am.
All families wishing to attend a school tour need to register with the office on 5409 7333 the week prior to the tour and identify respective year levels for enrolment for the following semester / calendar year.