Maroochydore State High School has a fine history of highly effective teaching and learning in our classrooms. The works of educational leaders such as Robert Marzano, John Hattie, Dylan Wiliam and Carol Ann Tomlinson, among many others, have been used to develop a framework for effective instruction at MSHS.
MSHS also has a specific language of instruction when it comes to effective teaching and learning. This means all teachers at the school are familiar with and use “The New Art and Science of Teaching” by Robert Marzano. This work outlines clearly what highly effective teachers do and when they do it and is based on 50 years of education research. It focusses on improving student outcomes as a result of evidence-teaching practice and has been key in the fantastic result students at MSHS have achieved over the years.
Elements within the ten design areas
Teachers at MSHS undergo a yearly cycle of professional development utilising the New Art and Science of Teaching. Using a combination of identified school-wide priorities, as well as their own areas of interest and need, teachers have access to a series of self-reflective and observational processes to further refine and improve their practice. Ongoing consultation and individual coaching sessions are provided to staff to support them across the school year and are important elements in their professional development.