The Parents’ and Citizens’ Association of Maroochydore State High School has determined that there is a dress code and uniform policy for students and as such, our school strictly adheres to the uniform policy.
Students attending Maroochydore State High School are required to wear the correct school uniform without alterations or additions while at school, including excursions and sport and while going to and from school.
Uniform policy
For detailed information on the uniform, please see the Student Uniform Policy.pdf
Uniform shop hours
7am to 9:45am and 10:45am to 12:45pm Monday to Friday
If you are unable to attend the shop during these hours, please call (07) 5409 7368 to arrange an appointment. Cash or EFTPOS accepted (Note – Cheques not accepted).
Contact details
Any parents/carers wishing to pay for items by Credit Card or Visa Debit over the phone, please call the Uniform Shop on (07) 5409 7368. Please leave a message if there is no answer and your call will be returned. The uniform shop is located beside the canteen.
Free dress days
The Principal may permit the Student Council to hold a maximum of one free dress day per term. Students who choose to come out of uniform are required to wear proper shoes that meet our Workplace Health and safety requirements. Thongs, sandals etc are not permitted. Clothing must be modest and not have offensive messages or images displayed. Students who do not meet these basic requirements will be required to change/sent home. Students who take up the privilege of the free dress day are required to make a gold coin donation to the Student Council in aid of the designated charity being supported that day.