
Excellence programs


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Drive Prog​ram

Maroochydore State High School offers a range of excellence programs as part of the DRIVE Program to suit students with potential and/or talent in a range of academic, sporting and musical pursuits.  We welcome applications from students who are out of catchment to apply for these programs. Drive Program Application.pdf

Next Gen Program

The Next Gen program is a three-year targeted development program starting in year 7 for students demonstrating exceptional performance across a range of academic areas with high-level social and personal capabilities.

Sports Development Program

The Sports Development Program (SDP) is a 12-month targeted development program for students passionate about sport. The program focuses on the growth of each student, including their mental and physical strength and aims to improve nontechnical skills that will benefit them in their own sporting progression. Follow our Facebook page to see what we have been up to.

Arts Academy Program

The Arts Academy develops students who have a high-level of focus and determination to succeed in all areas of schooling with a focus on harnessing their creativity in the Arts.  Students are able to select two major strands to study as electives, Music All Stars or Creative +. They are also able to choose a minor area of study in Film, Visual Art, Drama or Music and Performance.

To apply/enrol in a program you will need to fill out our student enrolment application plus a separate program specific application. Before proceeding with your application, please ensure you have read the information on our Enrolling at our school page.  Please contact us if you have any questions.​​

Bright Minds

Bright Minds is a transition program for year five and six Maroochydore State High School feeder students. The program showcases the DRIVE excellence programs and everything else that our school has to offer students starting their High School journey.

There are 4 Bright Minds programs each year (Term 1, 2, 3 and 4), each with a unique focus across Literacy, Numeracy, Science, STEM and Aerospace. 

Each focus has its own application process.  Information will be sent at the start of each term to your Primary School about each activity and how to apply.


Term 1 – Writer in residence (English and Literature) (Application opens week 2, Activity Week 7)

Term 2 – Clone a plant (Science) (Application opens week 2, Activity Week 7)

Term 3 – Little Chef (Life Technologies) (Application opens week 2, Activity Week 7)

Term 4 – Big Ideas (STEM and Global studies) (Application opens week 2, Activity Week 7)


For more information about Bright Minds, please contact the school.​


Last reviewed 06 December 2024
Last updated 06 December 2024